VICIOUS RUMORS Guitarist Interviewed On 'Rich Davenport's Rock Show' (Audio)

November 30, 2012

Guitarist Geoff Thorpe of San Francisco Bay Area metal veterans VICIOUS RUMORS was interviewed on the latest edition of "Rich Davenport's Rock Show". The program can be streamed using the Mixcloud player below. (Note: The Thorpe interview begins around the 20-minute mark.)

VICIOUS RUMORS released a new live album, "Live You To Death", on November 27 (one day earlier internationally) through SPV/Steamhammer. The CD was recorded by Pontus Norgren of HAMMERFALL, mixed by Juan Urteaga and produced by VICIOUS RUMORS guitarist Geoff Thorpe.

2011 was the year VICIOUS RUMORS stormed European stages with their highly acclaimed studio album, "Razorback Killers", playing 92 shows in 12 months.

"Live You To Death" was recorded last December on the band's European tour as the support act for Swedish metallers HAMMERFALL. It features 11 songs, including two very special studio recordings: cover versions of "Sign Of The Southern Cross" by BLACK SABBATH and "Running Wild" by JUDAS PRIEST.

"We wanted to do a few covers of our metal gods SABBATH and PRIEST as a tribute to where it all started," Thorpe said.

"Live You To Death" track listing:

01. Replicant / Digital Dictator
02. Minute To Kill
03. Murderball
04. Lady Took A Chance ( intro ) / Down To The Temple
05. Abandoned
06. Let The Garden Burn
07. Hellraiser
08. Soldiers Of The Night
09. Don't Wait For Me
10. Sign Of The Southern Cross (BLACK SABBATH cover) (studio recording)
11. Running Wild (JUDAS PRIEST cover) (studio recording)

Running time: approximately 56 minutes

A live version of "Abandoned", taken from "Live You To Death", can be streamed using the SoundCloud player below.

"Razorback Killers" was released in Europe in March 2011 and in the U.S. in April 2011 via SPV/Steamhammer. The CD was recorded at Trident Studios in Pacheco, California with producers Juan Urteaga and Geoff Thorpe.

VICIOUS RUMORS current touring lineup:

Larry Howe - Drums
Bob Capka - Guitar
Stephen Goodwin - Bass
Geoff Thorpe - Guitar

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